English is a stress-timed language which means certain words and syllables within a statement are stressed. Listen to me saying the following statement. You should start to hear a rhythm:
I try to eat a balanced diet.
Now you try. The stressed syllables are as follows:
I TRY to EAT a BALanced DIet.
Examine the following statements about food. First, count how syllables are in each statement. Then decide which ones are stressed by matching each statement (1-6) with the following pattern (a-e). One pattern is used twice.
- I foot the bill if I have the money.
- I often order a take away.
- I wouldn’t say I’m a fussy eater.
- Processed food isn’t good for you.
- Our local shop sells ready meals.
- My sister always plays with her food.

Listen and Repeat
Now listen and repeat each statement after me. Did you identify the correct stressed syllables?
The correct answers are
1 e
2 d
3 e
4 a
5 c
6 b