We currently offer online, self-study courses for IELTS and CAE, Skype classes for IELTS and CPE and printable materials for upper-intermediate to advanced levels. Check these out below. For information about our institutional licenses, see this page.

CAE Speaking Success
The last thing you want is to come out of the exam room feeling disappointed with your performance and frustrated that you failed to show the examiner your true capabilities in Spoken English. We don’t want that to happen either! That’s why we’ve created a complete preparation package for Paper 4 of the CAE exam.
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IELTS Speaking Advanced
‘IELTS Speaking: Advanced’ is a 10-unit course which covers everything you will need to face the examiner with total confidence. The self-study course is packed with highly-effective speaking strategies, grammar and vocabulary exercises and lots of practice tests to help you prepare thoroughly for the exam.
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CPE Speaking One-to-One
‘CPE Speaking One-to-One’ offers you the chance to work with me Peter, in one or more Skype lessons to receive support aimed specifically at your needs. You’ll be able to learn the areas you need to work on, and have the chance to develop these areas over the course of our meetings.
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Splendid Speaking Course
Splendid Speaking is an online self-study English speaking course to teach advanced learners of English top-level speaking skills and communication strategies. It comes in two volumes (‘Introductions and Small Talk’ and ‘Powerful Presentations’) and covers 12 key strategies for communicating effectively, as well as a range of useful vocabulary and language topics.
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Get Speaking Task Sheets
The Get Speaking Task Sheets are ideal if you are working towards upper-intermediate to advanced English Speaking exams or simply aiming to improve your presentation and discussion skills. If you’re working independently using Instant Messaging or tools like Skype for speaking practice or simply meeting up with friends face-to-face, Get Speaking will be invaluable.
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IELTS Speaking Task Sheets
Would you like to have access to interesting Speaking topics? Would you like to learn highly-practical methods to help you develop your English speaking skills? Do you want to have access to useful topic vocabulary to use in the IELTS long turn and and discussion? That’s exactly what each Task Sheet offers!
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Splendid Expressions
Splendid Expressions is more than just a list of phrases (useful to a degree, but not enough to take a learner’s English to the highest level.) It’s a five-stage approach to help learn the key words, understand the meaning and, most of all, remember the expression so it can be recognised and/or used later.
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